Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Swimming in Medicine
I'm afraid to admit that I am sick. In Deutsch: Ich bin krank. There is nothing I love more than being in my bedroom. Today since I feel like I have caught a cold I am going to watch a good movie and read a good book. Any suggestions? The writing desk I sit at in my room now is in the most glorious place: when I look to my right, there my beautiful Engineer Goby lays between the rocks, always looking at me and always there for me to look at every time I turn my head. Now it seems that the medicinal tea I have been drinking is making me quite drowsy. I must depart.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Dear Friend

The redecoration of my room is quite eventful and strenuous. I purchased a chair for my new cherry wood desk, almost $200 later. But it is well fit for it's purpose and I am content with the outcome. My bedroom will soon be the definition of comfort.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I decided that I needed a mask treatment, to tighten & smooth. Boy, it burns. As you can see I tried to apply around my new piercing. A toast to masking: another essential of skin beautification.
Now off to read a peer review about gamete compatibility and sperm competition between sympatric Asterias sea stars. Then cleaning, writing, & Mehndi designing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My inspiration.
I am planning, in the near future, to add feathers to my hair (which has been a want of mine for a while, I just never had the opportunity to get some feathers). And if I can find some little feathers, perhaps from a finch or canary I would like to incorporate them into a nose pin/ring for my newly pierced nose. I love how Neytiri has one gauge in her right ear, I would love to do that some day - but I think one viewable/noticeable piercing is enough for a while.
Beautiful movie, I can't believe I fell in love with it. Why wouldn't I? It is based on Hindu thought.
I had the oddest dream:
I was at Radio Shack trying to purchase a polaroid film camera. There were two different types: one that had a manual aperture and shutter speed while the other some crazy binocular type polaroid that, if I remember what the manager said correctly, was "blue light radioactive." The manager that I asked to speak to about the cameras was a rude person. I didn't have time to decided which one I was going to purchase because I was awoken by my alarm. If I could choose and purchase I would have gotten the polaroid camera with the manual shutter and aperture, but the binocular polaroid was pretty neat.

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Negative Vibrations

Living with a manipulative and controlling mother whose pastimes are arguing and debating unfortunately heighten the stress level among my body. I'm listening to reggae music at the moment, instead of my usual Carnatic music.
Looking up new mehndi designs and information on Ayurvedic medicine with regards to nose piercing. My mother doesn't understand the reason behind my want to have my nose pierced - is not just for fashion. It is for beauty, medicine, and the culture that best fits me.
If not tonight, then tomorrow I am planning on get my nose pierced. Her controlling over me and saying she is going to kill my fish if I get my nose pierced is like punishing me for striving to be myself. Her acting this way is like punishing a male child for being gay and wearing the appropriate fashionable clothes for that lifestyle.
My heart hurts because of what she does and because she won't let me be who I want to be. This is not a choice that I have randomly made perhaps because I am influenced by the people I am around. No, this is choice that I have made based on legitimate and appropriate reasons that I truly believe in with regards to MY lifestyle, NOT hers.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Cloudy Water

Sitting: waiting for the water to drain out of my saltwater aquarium. Of course there is a reason for this: I am doing my ritual water change to the fish gods (not literally, of course). My corals seem upset when I do this but I know that they will be happy as soon as they feel the clean water upon themselves.
I will be preparing for work within in the next couple of hours by laying my head upon a pillow and sleeping.
I wish it would rain all day; the rain is so melodic as well as calming.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Cantina Fun
Since I am playing this song on a saxophone for an upcoming band concert I figured: "Why not appreciate the original?" I love the version that my band plays which is a small part in a compilation of some of John Williams' most popular songs.
A simple tribute to the Cantina band of Star Wars
You have to love the aliens, especially the one smoking hookah. Quite an amazing scene.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bed Head

I was woken this morning by the sound of airplanes roaring over the roof of my house - not that pleasant of a wake up call. Anyways, going to lay in bed all day, watch some movie, & study some. It is such a beautiful day out today: the air is perfect and the atmosphere is cool. Maybe I'll have some photographs for the blog in a little while, but for now my main objective is to relax (my body is sore) & study.
Monday, January 25, 2010

Today I feel odd. I'm not my usual even self, but a distinct lone petal on a withering poppy flower. I don't know. The rain felt good today, it was quite melodic and filled me with a constant yearn for my boyfriend who is currently watching the waters. I haven't had any memorable dreams worth describing and I did not get to study at all this weekend for Chemistry or Biology. I am just hoping that I don't have a test tomorrow.
I don't know what I am going to wear
On a tangent: Wouldn't it be wonderful if humans did not have to wear clothing? Our fashion would be the way we style our hair on our head as well as the hair on our pubis. Our fashion could also be define by piercings, tattoos, or other forms of body modification if humans did not wear clothing. Whoever came up with the idea of clothing was probably just trying to hide his genitalia because he was insecure, powerful, and/or popular. Sometimes, when I really think deep, clothing seems nonsensical; perhaps it is just another way for a company to make money. And then when I think about all the other businesses out there that really are useless, it really seems like money matters.
BUT MONEY DOESN'T MATTER. What about love? Nature? Philosophy? Friendship? Compassion? Money truly cannot buy happiness & I wish my generation would rise up against the current money loving beliefs.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Small World
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wasted Day
So I think: should I go to school anymore? Is school the only way? I believe the answer to be "yes." As long as I don't have to worry about paying for school, then I suppose I will just go with the flow - following the ways of Taoism.
Right now I'm enjoying a cup of tea and my vintage Christian Dior sweater, soon to indulge myself in a bowl of white rice and black beans conjured by my father.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wasteful Relaxation
Watched Sex & the City all day today with my beautiful boyfriend. I think the most inspiring show is Sex & the City; there is none other like it. I feel like it really shows a woman how to be a confident woman - and let's just say I DO need a little help in the "confidence part" of being a woman. I had planned on at least studying a little bit over the weekend, which didn't happen. Now I'm going to make some chamomile tea, read some H. Potter, and go to sleep.
Note: Peace Tea is really good (but not as good as the real thing).
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Happy Birthday, Father
Sick Stomach
Had to take some cat pictures - my cat is such the model.
I just got home from spending the night at my boyfriend's. I think I had a little bit too much fun last night.
Before going to my boyfriend's last night, my parents, my boyfriend, & I went out to dinner to celebrate my father's birthday (which is today, actually). I was going to bring my camera but decided not to. I had a fun dinner last night: my parents drank margaritas and I drove home.
I do think I have a new favorite pair of jeans: diva jeans from Old Navy. I've worn them for the past three days. I'm glad I've been able to finally find a new pair of jeans that I like - I'm very picky with my jeans & have only been able to find the right style in corduroy. Here's yet another style with my new favorite pants and a beautiful shirt.
Note: high-waisted jeans make legs look long(er).
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Chemistry...and Chloride Groups?

I feel lost, and I certainly wish I had had a better chemistry professor last semester. I'm guessing that my first chemistry lab homework is suppose to be simple, but I must admit I am quiet lost. I'm not pointing any fingers but: thank you ex-chemistry professor, you have ruined me! My brain coral is beautifully big today, supposing this change is size is from the change in cold climate we have been experiencing lately.
My boyfriend is sick today, probably with what his mom had just recently been sick with, whatever that was.
Today my house would have been really peaceful, except the highway in back of our house was very noisy. Some days you can't hear the cars at all, other days it's overpowering...yet somehow comforting I suppose because I'm so used to it. But today the noise was exceptionally loud & I really wanted to relax, do some studying, and listen to some comforting music but all I could hear was the speeding cars I could not see.
Note: high-wasted, snug fitting, form flattering pants are quite fashionable, especially with a tucked in shirt. If you catch my drift.
Got home from chemistry lab quite earlier than expected, thanks to a helpful and knowledgeable lab partner. After I settled down at my house I decided to help my dad bake his new signature Black Forest Cake. Cherry rum included! I helped make homemade whip cream, which took ten minutes of hand stirring whipping cream. My father is quite the chef and baker. He can think of any combination of food to mix and have it come out excellent. Goodnight, off to eat his amazing beans and rice.
P.S.: My father's face is not permanently distorted. He's awesome.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My mother woke me from the most interesting dream, still I've more odd dreams than this one. I'll begin by saying that in this dream my room was much bigger, my fish tanks were bigger, & there were more of them! I would walk away and more fish would be added to the tank and more tanks would be accumulating because there were too many fish for one tank. I was getting concerned because I knew my mother would be furious with all the fish, not to mention to electricity costs. Then I got this tank with an interesting egg in it. Curious as I am, I grabbed the shark-like egg sac (if you happen to know what shark eggs looks like) and punctured it. Well that wasn't a great idea because this beautiful blue, four legged created crawled out and grabbed on to me with its little claws and mouth. It literally clasped on to me and I couldn't budge it, even when I did get it off it was like a magnet and jumped on to me again causing a lot of pain. Finally my dad grabbed it off me and brought it to the kitchen. He chopped its four legs off and then its head. After that those six pieces turned into little copies of that same creature. Before they reached me, as they were gliding in the air after having just propelled themselves off the kitchen counter, ready to clasp onto me again, my mother woke me. The place were the creature had latched onto me still tingled as it the creature was just pulled off. Interesting, right?
Going to make some white tea in a minute, then off to the college to get some errands crossed off my agenda.
Today I'm wearing a simple white crocheted top and the light jeans I wore yesterday.
Looking at the photographs from today I feel like my attire makes me look bigger than my actual slim curvaceous size.
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